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Use this Category for your support questions about Virtuemart Dropdown Shopping Cart(SKU# FLEX-00001)

TOPIC: Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension

Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension 10 years 11 months ago #5187

Hi guys, I was so happy about that extension, but I spent about hours to make it work with PUREMART, but there is so many weird behavior ... take a look here
My problem is when I add items to cart or delete items form cart, whole block is messed up and items of products are stack verticaly ...
But when I refresh .. everything is all right ... I play with that like hours, trying all css setups, but no luck ..
Any idea ? I am kind in rush .... so any fast feedback is appreciate ...;
Thanks a lot Robin

- I was deleted this folder "mod_virtuemart_cart" under template/html because I was thinking that this should be problem, but It is not, anyway it is do same behaviour even when I copy the new fresh folder files from PUREMART install
- When using Firebug i can see normaly it use one container and inside product row for each product, but when I use delete button after that is for each product container with product row ?
- I find half solution when I rename your div class and div id "container" to container1 and fix those jQuery('#hiddencontainer .container1') deleting work fine now, so it stack normally, but when I add product to cart, drop down is empty until I make refresh ...
- So I rename container in vmprices.js and stacking is OK even in deleting and adding product ... really happy about it....

and I still losing sub-total price number so any idea why is that, please ?
Last Edit: 10 years 11 months ago by Robin Vehovský.
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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension 10 years 11 months ago #5202

Hi Robin,

as you discovered the naming of the divs and elements is very important to keep the native VM add to cart AJAX etc

we didn't want our clients having to make core hacks

But as you also found VM naming an element container wasn't the best discision they ever made! Lots of templates use this class or element name which can cause various layout problems..

But I see you figured all this out - well done


I haven't got the files yet of the latest vewrsion - sorry - is it a setting in the module (between diferent styles I mean)?

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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension + 10 years 11 months ago #5204

Hi John,
well I have chosen theme1.css as style for cart.
Subtotal work fine, untill you delete or add product. When you refresh page, it is here .. so ... weird again
I try to rename div but have no luck ... When you use Firebug, and check how the module looks like after add or delete ... the div is gone, it is weird because everything shift a little bit and there is gap .... But the div is gone, I mean when for example css diplay:none is used somewhere on diferent style I still should see the div in firebug , but it is besically gone ....

Just rename the show_cart to something else, in default.php, and delete display: inline-block; padding: 5px 10px; float: none !important; in css theme1.css style, and here we go ...

Still not work as it should, Im coming close to be mad

BR Robin
Last Edit: 10 years 11 months ago by Robin Vehovský.
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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension + 10 years 11 months ago #5217

Dev team notified - hopefully they will be able to advise

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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension + 10 years 11 months ago #5219

Thanks John, cause I am really lost in this ... I rename div class, that is why there is no style for that a tag.
When it is setup on first time when you open browser, not sub total even cart link is show up. After refresh everetyhing work fine ...but when you add item subtotal is not update - after refreshing is everythink work fine until you delete all items, sub total is still showing kind of old price there not updating...
Before renaming container items were stack vertically,. When I rename show_cart I can see the stuff, when I deleting ... and subtotal work better than default. I really have to buy this extension because puremart show cart is just vertical so when you add lot of items - no looking good. But I can see it was just working awesome with default joomla theme, but you know - i do not use default theme so ... :( have to struggle
I can provide you access to admin if it will be needed, customer wants page online, so it kind of press to me ...
I can reinstall cart module if you want to see how it is look on default ... I was also turn off bootsrap css ajd other t3 framework css to make it more clear and find problem... i use this blankoshop... There is zen-mart.css - whitch is on .. but it have same behavior when it is off.
Thanks a lot for help guys ...
Last Edit: 10 years 11 months ago by Robin Vehovský.
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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension + 10 years 11 months ago #5227

Hi Robin,

Have notified the Boss - he is on US Pacific time so will hopefully see this sometime tonight

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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension + 10 years 11 months ago #5235

Hopefully you guys figer it out soon, please!
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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension + 10 years 11 months ago #5237

hi Robin.

You should not touch any DIV element names in the PHP file of module, otherwise you would lose some features because the AJAX wouldn't work properly.

It makes sense everything works out just fine then the whole page is refreshed because something is wrong with AJAX updating.

First of all, you need to get back to original PHP files that comes with the module, and make your all changes with using ONLY CSS. any kind of hard coding changes through PHP will mess things up.

If the ITEMs are listed vertically inside the slides, make sure that this parameter in the "module settings" is set correctly:

Attachment Pasted_Image_6_19_13_11_00_PM.png not found

Then; please re-install the Cart Module (uninstall first and then re-install it), then try to solve the layout issues with using CSS only. If you can't manage to solve it by only using CSS then provide me your joomla admin account and let me take a look at it.

(while emailing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., don't forget to include this forum post's URL at the top of your message to avoid any possible confusion in our end)

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Puremart + Drop Down Shopping Cart extension + 10 years 11 months ago #5238

Ouk, i will put everything original and will send you admin access ... Ouf course I had set 3 product in row, that was first what I did.. Hope I am not so big lama ...
Thx Robin
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